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What are the types of gum disease treatment for gingivitis

What are the types of gum disease treatment for gingivitis

Signs of gum disease (gingivitis) include swelled, reddened gums that may seep blood around the edges of the teeth. Gums that are sore to the touch and recede noticeably from the tops of the teeth are probably suffering advanced gingivitis and need professional treatment immediately before tooth loss occurs. Dentists urge anyone with gum disease symptoms to seek professional dental treatment and not rely on over the counter products to reverse a moderate to severe case of gingivitis. Because eradication of all bacterial plaque on teeth and gums is necessary to stop gum disease from progressing, only a scaling and root planing procedure will ensure the disease will not continue to progress.

Reversing Mild Gum Disease

If gingivitis is caught by a dentist in time, it may be reversed with regular dental cleanings, fluoridation, improving brushing and flossing practices and using antibacterial, nonalcoholic mouthwash. Preventing dry mouth by drinking water instead of sugary drinks and chewing on sugarless gum increases saliva production to help reduce the amount of oral bacteria causing gum disease.

Gum Disease Treatment for Moderate to Severe Gingivitis

Nd:Yag Laser

Dentists may use the Nd:Yag laser to remove and disinfect diseased gums The Nd:Yag laser is a state-of-the-art, low level laser perfect for targeting smaller areas in the mouth because it is less bulky than other lasers and readily assimilated by red blood cells to reduce bleeding. When used for laser gum treatments, the Nd:Yag laser is also able to sterilize and desensitize areas that remain exposed during treatment. This avoids the need for painful injections of dental anesthetics and reduces recovery time as well.

Nd:Yag (yttrium-aluminum-garnet) technology employs photon-based light beams that are highly energized to fragment and remove soft tissue without the need for invasive procedures. Dentists recommend patients opt for gum treatments using laser technology unless a condition warrants a more extensive treatment method requiring traditional surgery. To avoid the need for laser gum treatment, dentists also urge everyone visit the dentist for regular examinations and cleanings while consistently using good oral hygiene practices that helps prevent gingivitis from harming healthy gum tissue and teeth.

Diode Lasers

Diode lasers work exceptionally well to repair a variety of oral problems involving diseased gum tissue because photons contained within the laser beam are readily absorbed and utilized by chromophores and hemoglobin. With special diode lasers, dentists can target decay on teeth and gums while leaving healthy areas untouched by the laser. In addition, laser energy quickly penetrates tissues to reach pockets of infection existing deep in the gums while suppressing growth of certain oral bacteria responsible for severe gum disease.

Laser gum treatments do not involve sutures, scalpels or other tools associated with surgical procedures. For patients suffering “gummy” smiles due to loss of gum health, dentists can remove excess gum tissue encroaching the tops of the teeth with dental lasers. When infected with periodontal disease, gums often sag at the gumline because heavy pockets of infection form at the line where the teeth and gums meet. Laser gum treatments eliminate bacterial infection by disinfecting the area with laser energy and dissolving excess gum tissue that is no longer viable. Patients heal more rapidly when undergoing laser gum therapy and experience little to no discomfort following the procedure.

WaterLase Laser Treatment

WaterLase for treating gum disease requires minimal anesthesia for patients and reduces the amount of time it takes to complete more invasive procedures. Originally approved for cutting tooth structure by the U.S. FDA in 1998, WaterLase has since been cleared to treat gum diseases such as gingivitis as well as bone disorders resulting from serious oral traumas. Based on the principles of HydroPhotonics, a technology developed by the company that created the WaterLase, this laser treatment also allows dentists to remove plaque and tartar without using dental tools that tend to scrape away healthy enamel in the process of cleaning teeth.

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Is Dental Sedation Safe for Kid

Is Dental Sedation Safe for Kids?

Fear of the dentist prevents many children from receiving dental treatments essential for preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Fortunately, pediatric dentists offer three types of safe and effective dental sedation methods for easing a child’s anxiety about going to the dentists–IV sedation, oral sedation and nitrous oxide. Sedation dentistry for kids is also useful for  special needs children and young patients who suffer a severe gag reflex in response to something making contact with the back of mouth or tongue. In addition, children sedated for dental procedures usually have no memory of the procedure, which may help alleviate a dental phobia as the child matures and grows less fearful of dentists and dental treatment. Pediatric dentists are trained to understand why many children react fearfully when visiting them and will try other methods for alleviating their fears before recommending dental sedation, such as on-the-spot counseling and distraction techniques.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is given to children to inhale through a mask about 10 or 15 minutes prior to having dental work performed. Nitrous oxide calms fears by putting children (and adults) in a state of “conscious sedation” that allows them to remain awake but only slightly aware of what is going on around them. In fact, most children given nitrous oxide continue communicating  and interacting with their pediatric dentist during the dental treatment. Quickly eliminated by the body, nitrous oxide also suppresses the gag reflex to facilitate treatments. Nitrous oxide sedation causes no lingering effects and wears off within 30 minutes of stopping the gas. However, while nitrous oxide relieves anxiety, it is not an analgesic. If a child is having a cavity filled, a tooth pulled or undergoing other intensive dental work, a pediatric dentist will need to administer local anesthesia to reduce discomfort.

Oral Sedation

The development of modern benzodiazepines has popularized the practice of oral dental sedation for kids. Commonly used by pediatric dentists to calm fearful patients, Versed (midazolam) is administered in liquid form 30 minutes before beginning treatment. Producing post-sedation amnesia, midazolam prevents children from remembering anything about the dental treatment. In some cases, pediatric dentists may add an antihistamine (hydroxyzine) to midazolam to enhance its calming affect and to suppress nausea. Midazolam may sometimes be used as a supplement with nitrous oxide as well.

IV Sedation

IV dental sedation for kids does not put them fully to sleep but places them in a deeply relaxed, “twilight” state that induces memory loss upon coming out of the sedation. The reason why kids (and adults) claim they were asleep during the dental procedure is mainly because they cannot remember everything occurring during treatment. For children frightened of needles, pediatric dentists can give them oral anti-anxiety medication to be taken prior to coming to the dental office. A topical anesthetic is applied to minimize the pinching sensation upon inserting the IV needle. While a child is under IV sedation, a trained technician monitors their heart rhythm, blood oxygen level and blood pressure during and after the dental treatment.

Before a Child is Sedated for Dental Treatment

Parents need to restrict drinks and food the night and morning before treatment. Being sedated with nitrous oxide, oral medications or intravenous fluids can cause nausea and vomiting afterwards. In addition, dressing children in loose clothing allows dental technicians to attach monitoring equipment quickly and without making a fuss. Pediatric dentists require parents provide a complete medical history of the child and information about any over-the-counter medications, prescriptions and even herbal supplements currently being given to the child.

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dry mouth treatment glendale az dentist

Dental Health Consequences of Dry Mouth

Reasons for chronic dry mouth range from using toothpastes and mouthwashes containing substances that dry out oral tissues, allergies, sleep apnea and abnormal functioning of salivary glands. Chronic sinus conditions that make breathing through the nose difficult, smoking or chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol and taking medications that dehydrate body tissues are other common causes of dry mouth.  Many people try to deal with dry mouth by chewing gum or sucking on breath mints. Unfortunately, these products usually contain many of the same ingredients found in toothpastes and mouthwashes that contribute to dry mouth.

In addition, a chronically dry mouth creates a stagnant, oxygen-deficient, oral environment promoting growth of anaerobic bacteria, the primary cause of  tooth decay, gum disease and periodontitis. Allowing dry mouth conditions to continue not only increases the risk of dental problems but also encourages development of thrush, canker sores and abscesses.

What are Anaerobic Bacteria?

Your mouth cannot naturally cleanse itself of oral debris (food particles, mucous, dead skin) when saliva flow is insufficient. Anaerobic bacteria thrive in dry, airless mouths full of protein-rich debris, creating rapidly multiplying layers of a biofilm called plaque that sticks to teeth and demineralizes dental enamel unless removed by a professional dental cleaning.

Although research shows anaerobic bacteria–not sugar–causes cavities, many people continue to assume tooth decay is caused by eating too much sugar. Instead, it is the biofilm composed of anaerobic bacteria that erodes teeth enamel, promotes gum disease, produces sulfuric gases responsible for bad breath and may even reduce your ability to taste and smell properly.

How Saliva Protects Your Teeth and Mouth

Oral anaerobic bacteria cannot live in oxygenated conditions. Nor can they live where there are no proteins to consume. Saliva is necessary to prevent the mouth from being overwhelmed with anaerobes destructive to tooth enamel and gum tissue. In addition, saliva:

  • Provides antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that protect the mouth from teeth and gum disease
  • Contains acid neutralizing substances that directly attack plaque, a common cause of periodontitis
  • Contributes to the remineralization of tooth enamel by providing calcium and phosphorous
  • Enhances your sense of smell and taste

Saliva also helps prevent plaque buildup, a film of bacteria that adheres to teeth and protects anaerobes lying underneath the film from being exposed to oxygen. Plaque needs eliminated each day by brushing, flossing and using an oxygenated, alcohol-free mouthwash or it will harden into a harmful substance called tartar, a strong biofilm causing extensive cavities, tooth loss and chronic halitosis. Tartar accumulating in spaces where teeth meet the gums may cause gingivitis, a gum disease indicated by bleeding, swollen, receding gums.

Treatment for Dry Mouth

Keeping your mouth clean and hydrated between regular visits to your dentist for cleanings and examinations are the best preventative measures to take for preventing teeth and gum diseases caused by a dry mouth. Treatment for dry mouth depends on what is making your mouth consistently dry. Common methods recommended by dentists for reducing dry mouth symptoms include:

  • Limiting consumption of coffee, soda and other caffeinated drinks
  • Chewing sugar-free gum or candies containing xylitol, a chemical promoting saliva flow
  • Avoiding mouthwashes with alcohol (alcohol is a desiccant that naturally extracts fluids from tissues)
  • Avoiding tobacco use (chewing and smoking)
  • Drinking water at meals and in between meals
  • Using nonprescription saliva substitutes (mouth sprays and rinses are available)
  • Breathing through your nose only (nasal sprays and strips can help open clogged nasal passageways)
  • Running a humidifier to add moisture to dry bedroom air at night

If dry mouth does not improve or worsens, visit your dentist or doctor for a thorough examination. Underlying medical problems may be causing chronic dry mouth,  such as low blood pressure, diabetes, an autoimmune disease or systemic dehydration.

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Causes and Treatments for Tooth glendale az dentist

Causes and Treatments for Tooth Sensitivity

The most common reason behind teeth hypersensitivity is gingivitis, a gum disease that causes gums to shrink away from the tops of the teeth and expose nerves not protected by tooth enamel and dentin. These root nerves are comprised of microscopic tubules extending into the center (pulp) of the tooth. When exposed to sweet, cold or hot foods, the tubules that are normally protected by gums and dentin allow this type of stimuli to irritate the pulp and cause pain that may feel like a toothache.

In addition to gingivitis, other factors may contribute to tooth sensitivity, such as:

  • Using a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing vigorously enough to erode tooth enamel. Dentists advise brushing several times a day with a soft or medium-bristled toothbrush instead of once with an abrasive, generically constructed toothbrush.
  • Teeth harboring cracks and chips that allow destructive anaerobic bacteria to accumulate in dental indentations. Excess oral bacteria typically develops into a biofilm, a hard substance making it easier for plaque to irritate sensitive teeth pulp.
  • People who grind their teeth in their sleep. Bruxism (chronic teeth grinding) is usually caused by anxiety, sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or crooked/missing teeth. Unless treated, bruxism causes tooth sensitivity by eroding a tooth’s enamel and exposing pulp and dentin nerves.
  • Use of mouthwashes and toothpastes containing desiccants and detergents. Most brand name mouthwashes and toothpastes purchased in grocery and department stores contain abrasive, acidic ingredients that weaken dentin and also contribute to a high pH level in the mouth. For example, sodium lauryl sulfate is commonly used in toothpastes to create a foaming action when brushed against the teeth. However, SLS does not impart any benefits to oral health. In fact, this substance is found in many cleaning solutions and shampoos and has shown to severely irritate gums and mouth tissue due to its abrasive qualities.
  • Periodontal disease will cause tooth sensitivity since gingivitis and tooth decay precipitate periodontal disease. When dentists diagnose someone with periodontitis, this means they have found small spaces or “pockets” appearing between the teeth and at the gum line due to severe gum disease. Unless treated, periodontitis results in tooth loss, severe oral infection and possible jawbone deformities.

Treating Tooth Sensitivity

The best way to prevent tooth sensitivity is to maintain good oral hygiene practices that include brushing, flossing and rinsing twice daily with products that do not contain alcohol, saccharine or sodium lauryl sulfate. Other methods for reducing your risk of tooth sensitivity due to gingivitis, receding gums and worn enamel are:

  • Avoiding acidic and/or sugary foods that contribute to enamel erosion and exposure of tooth dentin
  • Treating bruxism by wearing a mouth guard during sleep to protect dental enamel
  • Using only oral rinses containing fluoride
  • Visiting a dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and oral exam

Using “desensitizing” toothpastes may temporarily alleviate tooth sensitivity pain but does nothing to treat the primary cause of the problem. Ingredients such as potassium nitrate and strontium chloride are often found in desensitizing toothpastes that inhibit transmission of nerve signals by restricting fluid movement in dentin microtubules. In addition, consumer research on desensitizing toothpastes indicates it generally takes several weeks of regularly brushing with the toothpaste before results (if any) are noticeable.

How Your Dentist Treats Tooth Sensitivity


Applying a fluoride varnish to overly sensitive teeth is one way your dentist can reduce pain and discomfort. Fluoride varnish strengthens dentin and enamel to prevent erosion and exposure of easily irritated nerve roots.

Protecting Root Endings

If exposed roots are causing tooth sensitivity, your dentist may use a dental sealant to cover particularly painful areas. By sealing exposed tooth surfaces with a bonding agent, your dentist can block exposure to hot, cold or sweet foods responsible for tooth sensitivity pain.

Root Canal

Severe and persistent tooth sensitivity may indicate teeth with infected pulps. Root canal treatment involving removal of infected pulp and replacing pulp with an enamel-like material called gutta percha.

Dental crowns and inlays may be able to reduce tooth sensitivity by repairing or protecting decayed spots on enamel. Surgical gum grafts can also relieve tooth sensitivity by removing tissue from the palate and grafting this tissue existing gum tissue so that roots are once again covered.

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dental implants Glendale AZ

What are Same Day Dental Implants?

At Dental Solutions we offer same day dental implants in Glendale AZ. We replace missing teeth permanently using titanium appliances and a biological process called osseointegration, or the fusion of the implant anchor to the jawbone. In most cases, osseointegration takes several months to complete. By allowing bone to naturally attach itself to the titanium post, dental implants remain secure and fixed in place, functioning like a real tooth.

What are Same Day Dental Implants?

Instead of waiting months for osseointegration to take place, people can now receive dental implants in one office visit. A prior visit is needed so the dentist can take a CT scan of the jawbone used to plan specifics of the implant procedure. In addition, crowns are created in advance and ready for placement.

Who are Good Candidates for Same Day Dental Implants?

To determine whether someone is a good candidate for a dental implant, dentists will assess the condition of a patient’s teeth, gums and bone. When gaps exist between teeth for long periods, atrophy of gum tissue often occurs, which can compromise the success of an implant procedure. Pre-prosthetic treatments may be necessary to restore gum health or rebuild bone density to improve the chance that osseointegration takes place. The fusion of bone with the titanium-based implant appliance is necessary so that the implant can bear the usual biomechanical loads experienced by teeth during chewing and biting. In addition, dental implants support neighboring natural teeth improving your overall dental health.

For people with good oral health, implant dentists can immediately insert an implant following extraction of a tooth. The procedure follows the same steps used to insert a traditional implant, with the exception that the patient goes home with a dental implant replacement the same day a tooth is extracted. In addition to the shortened treatment time, people who dislike or fear extensive dental treatments avoid the stress of experiencing repeated visits to the dentist for evaluation of the osseointegration process and placement of abutment and crown. In some instances, delayed loading (traditional dental implant procedures) may be unavoidable due to irreversible bone disease such as osteoporosis or bone damage due to previous periodontitis.

Pre-Treatments for Same Day Implants

Same day implants mean people do not have to wait several months for osseointegration to occur. Instead, dentists simply apply the crown onto the implant immediately after it is surgically implanted. If the pre-evaluation reveals signs of gingivitis or periodontitis, the dentist will need to reverse these conditions by thoroughly cleaning the mouth, performing scaling and root planing and prescribing antibiotics to eliminate infections. Bone density must also be strong enough to handle an implant without compromising the stability of other areas of the jawbone.

Sometimes, the person’s jawbone may not have the density required to initiate a successful dental implant procedure. To promote jawbone strength, implant dentists recommend some people undergo bone grafts to enhance the integrity of the jawbone. Bone grafts are also minimally invasive procedures involving the addition of synthetic or human bone tissue to the area where the implant is to be inserted. After another assessment indicates adequate bone density exists, an implant dentist can then continue with the implant procedure.

How Successful are Same Day Dental Implant Procedures?

Success rates for dental implants are high—nearly 94 percent for upper jaw implants and 91 percent for lower implants. The difference in success rates is because the upper jaw bone is less dense than the lower jaw bone. Following a same day dental implant, people are advised to rest for the next 24 hours and closely monitor the condition of the implant to make sure no abnormal bleeding occurs. Although implants are invulnerable to cavities and decay, people with dental implants should still engage in good oral hygiene practices to maintain gum and bone health.

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cosmetic dentistry Glendale AZ

Contemporary Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Dental Solutions provide cosmetic dentistry in Glendale AZ.  We offer procedures such as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental crowns and bonding dramatically improves the appearance of damaged or discolored teeth without requiring multiple visits to the dentist. In fact, most cosmetic dentistry treatments can be accomplished in one or two visits, depending on the extent of dental problems affecting teeth. Some of the more popular cosmetic dentistry procedures available today include:

Porcelain Veneers

Concealing teeth imperfections without surgery or extensive dental treatments, porcelain veneers are thin, almost sheer layers of enamel-like material bonded to teeth with dental adhesive to give less-than-perfect teeth the ultimate makeover. Porcelain veneers also eliminate small gaps between teeth by modifying tooth size using veneers larger than an individual tooth. Additionally, veneers conceal stains that do not respond to professional whitening treatments and reshape irregularly shaped teeth or teeth worn down due to aging or nighttime teeth grinding.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are porcelain dental restoration appliances that encircle and cap teeth damaged by cracks, chips or large cavities. Because leaving dental enamel in poor condition allows harmful bacteria to enter the tooth, dentists often recommend dental crowns to reinforce compromised teeth and improve their appearance. Made from porcelain, gold or a porcelain fused to metal compound, dental crowns not only improve teeth aesthetics but also promote the integrity of the tooth by preventing oral bacteria from entering enamel cracks and infecting pulp. Dental adhesive prevents crowns from slipping or falling off the tooth while ensuring crowns lasts for at least 10 years or more. Caring for crowns involves the same oral hygiene practices needed to keep real teeth and gums in excellent condition—brushing, flossing and rinsing with an alcohol-free oral rinse twice daily.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

When front or side teeth develop cavities that need filled, dentists recommend cosmetic tooth-colored fillings as a more attractive and durable alternative to traditional silver amalgam fillings. Made from a composite resin containing silicon dioxide, tooth-colored fillings have the same texture and appearance of natural dental enamel. In addition, they are not prone to falling out like silver fillers because the materials used to make these fillings bond to tooth enamel over time.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a versatile cosmetic dentistry procedure that fills small gaps between teeth, conceals discolorations and pitting and reshapes malformed teeth. Dental bonding treatment involves a dentist applying an etching solution to teeth receiving the composite resin bonding material. This solution forms microscopic crevices in dental enamel so the resin has a viable surface on which to adhere. Dentists then coat teeth with the bonding resin and shine a high-energy light at the resin to induce hardening.

Dental Implants

For replacement of teeth that have been lost to decay, periodontitis or trauma, titanium-based dental implants are used as an alternative to partial dentures or bridges.  Permanent dental implants fuse with the jawbone and anchor firmly with abutments that hold the porcelain crown in place. In addition to improving smiles, dental implants also help retain facial structure by preventing gums from shrinking and facial tissues from collapsing inward after teeth support is removed. Titanium possesses special properties that allows osseointegration (fusion of the implant to bone) to take place. Following osseointegration, dentists can then establish the abutment and crown onto the implant in one office visit.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening gel used by dentists contain significantly more hydrogen peroxide than store brand whitening gels. In addition to providing ingredients that protect dental enamel from overbleaching, dental teeth whitening gels can often turn enamel several shades whiter than previous enamel shades. Unlike over-the-counter whitening gels that cannot remove stains absorbed by microscopic grooves, dental teeth whitening gel removes all kinds of extrinsic stains not cause by tetracycline or other medications.

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Halitosis bad breath

What Causes Chronic Halitosis?

What is That Smell?

Nothing is more embarrassing than having bad breath and not knowing it. In fact, most of us would rather trip and fall in front of a crowd of people or spill red wine on someone’s white shirt than have smelly breath. But why would anybody have bad breath if they brush, floss and use mouthwash faithfully every day? What causes that horrible, cringe-worthy, rotten egg smell to exude from someone’s mouth?

Probably because something more serious than eating a chili dog with onions is making your breath smell bad no matter how carefully you brush each tooth and swig mouthfuls of Listerine.

Everyone has experienced bouts of temporary bad breath but genuine halitosis may indicate undetected dental problems contributing to anaerobic bacterial growth, the main culprit behind halitosis. Only a trip to the dentist office can solve the mystery behind long-term halitosis–and why everybody you talk to seems to lean back slightly when you are talking to them.

So What is Oral Anaerobic Bacteria?

Anaerobic bacteria living in your mouth constantly excrete noxious, sulfurous gases as they busily consume oral protein such as food particles, dead skin, blood traces and mucus. These gases are called volatile sulfur compounds and consist mostly of:

  • Cadavarine–emanates from a decaying corpse
  • Skatole–the odor identifying feces
  • Isovaleric acid–contained in sweaty feet perspiration
  • Putrescine–the smell produced by rotting meat

And that is why bad breath smells so embarrassingly bad.

The only time anaerobic bacteria are not exuding these foul odors is when your mouth is moist, oxygenated and clean. Having a frequently dry mouth accelerates production of anaerobic bacteria, since this type of bacteria prefers environments where there is no oxygen and no moisture. Saliva also has strong, antibacterial properties that help reduce germ activity in the mouth. When allergies, sinusitis, poor oral hygiene practices or other medical conditions reduce salivary gland output, a consistently dry mouth will also promote tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath.

How Can a Dentist Eliminate Bad Breath?

When pH levels in the mouth are high, anaerobic bacteria flourish due to the absence of oxygen. Smoking, neglecting to brush and floss and oral diseases can make your mouth’s pH level go off the scale. In addition, if you have unfilled cavities, enamel pitting or tooth cracks that have not been repaired, bacteria will accumulate in these holes and crevices, reproduce rapidly and create a destructive biofilm called plaque. If plaque is not removed by a dentist, it will develop into tartar and cause gingivitis, a serious gum disease often followed by periodontitis.

Visiting your dentist every six months for a check-up and cleaning is the best way to ensure your breath never embarrasses you again. Filling cavities, strengthening weakened or damaged teeth with dental crowns when necessary and having plaque removed with special dental tools will help prevent excessive growth of oral bacteria. Brushing and rinsing with a medicated mouthwash twice a day, brushing your tongue, flossing at least once a day and drinking plenty of water in between cleanings is also dentist recommended for eliminating those funky, fetid bacteria for good.

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preventive dental care in glendale az

Saving Money on Your Health by…Going to the Dentist MORE Often?

Too many people look to save dental care costs by not going to the dentist at all. This is a huge mistake! There are plenty of low cost dental insurance plans on the market. What’s more, preventing a problem with your teeth saves you all kinds of money over the long run.

Bad Teeth, No Money

Let’s take a look at just a few of the conditions that you will be paying for if you do not keep your teeth healthy with preventive dental care!

  • Gum disease – If you have a problem with your teeth, it will eventually spread to your gums. Your gums are very sensitive, and they are much more difficult to heal than your teeth. You may have noticed how sore your gums get if you forget to floss for even a short time. They must be constantly cared for! If your gums are unhealthy, it can lead to swelling and inflammation, pain when talking or chewing, and eventually, your teeth will not be able to stay in your head!
  • Heart disease – There is plenty of controversy about whether tooth and gum disease is linked to heart disease. Most experts say yes. Just the fact that there is a discussion about the issue should lead you to err on the side of caution! Dental and cardiac experts believe that tooth decay can lead to heart disease because tooth decay and heart disease are caused by the same types of plaque. Plaque builds on your teeth and causes decay, and this is the same plaque that blocks off the arteries of the heart and causes serious heart conditions.
  • Oral disease – Your teeth are connected to many different parts of your body. Do you want to find out just how many? Let your teeth rot for a while, and you will soon find out that you are hurting all over! The sensitive nerves that are in your teeth reach up to your head, first of all. If you have tooth problems, then you are more likely to get serious migraines and constant headaches. Your teeth are also connected to your eyes. You may find that you cannot see as well if tooth decay is allowed to spread. Your shoulders and back may also suffer, because the nerves that come from your mouth stretch down into your chest area as well. Bad oral hygiene can lead you to experience pain in your shoulders, an inability to walk straight up and neck pain that resembles arthritis or a muscle inflammation.

How Much is Enough?

Do you really want to find out how much dealing with heart disease costs? In case you are wondering, heart problems are far more expensive than a preventive dental visit! All of the above conditions will end up costing you a pretty penny should you find yourself in those unfortunate circumstances. What is the solution? Find the pennies that you need to go and see your dentist at least once every six months. Contact our dentists in Glendale AZ with any sharp pains or throbbing in your teeth.

Preventive dental services is one of the best investments you will make in your life. Put it on your schedule now and start saving, because your body deserves more than you being too cheap to take care of it!


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Eight Facts You Need to Know about Root Canals

Root canals are among the most feared and dreaded procedures in dentistry, if not in all of medicine. You may be nervous if your dentist has told you that you need a root canal. You may even be so afraid of being told you need a root canal that you avoid seeing your dentist – which, of course, leads to much more serious tooth problems such as advanced decay and infection.

The good news about root canals is that they are probably nowhere near as bad as you think. These are eight facts you need to know about root canals to calm your nerves and get ready for your dental appointment.

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Dental surgeon and patient smiling happy after dental checkup, l

Five Ways to Get Better Dental Checkups

Almost everyone gets at least a little nervous before a dental exam. Nobody wants to learn that they have tooth decay and need dental work. While sometimes trouble is inevitable, there are a lot of things you can do to prevent tooth decay. Here are 5 ways to get better dental checkups.

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